Service Structure

The structure of a service

Let's take a look at a GenericService.ts file as an example:

export interface GenericService {
    // Method 1
    get<T>(url: string): Promise<T>;
    // Method 2
    post<T>(url: string, data: any): Promise<T>;

We are defining an abstract interface that will later be used by the custom hooks to interact with the data source. This ensures that no matter what the data source is, the hooks will always be able to interact with it without having to know the underlying implementation.

The implementation of a service

The implementation of a service is defined in the /GenericService/[DataSource]/implementation.ts file:

import { GenericService } from "../GenericService";
export class DataSourceGenericServiceImplementation implements GenericService {
    // Method 1
    get<T>(url: string): Promise<T> {
        // Lower level implementation specific to the data source (e.g. Stripe, Firebase, etc.)
    // Method 2
    post<T>(url: string, data: any): Promise<T> {
        // Lower level implementation specific to the data source (e.g. Stripe, Firebase, etc.)

Using a specific implementation of a service

Inside the /GenericService/config.ts file we import the desired implementation of the service and export a new instance of it:

import { DataSourceGenericServiceImplementation } from "./DataSource/implementation";
export const GenericService = new DataSourceGenericServiceImplementation();